Page 10 - Preparation of Tea Brochure
P. 10

Tea’s Role in Oral Health
Tea may also contribute to oral health. The  avonoids in tea may inhibit the plaque-forming ability of oral bacteria and the  uoride in tea may support healthy tooth enamel.
Tea and Reduced Risk of Kidney Stones
Increased intake of  uids is routinely recommended for people who have had kidney stones to reduce the likelihood of recurrence. A recent study that followed 81,093 women for eight years suggests that beverage choice may also affect kidney stones development. The study found that for each eight-ounce cup of tea consumed daily by female participants with no previous history of kidney stones, the risk of developing stones appeared to be lowered by eight percent. An earlier study of 45,289 men reported a similar relationship, suggesting that for each eight-ounce serving of tea consumed daily, a 14 percent decrease in risk of stone development was observed.
Tea and Reduced Risk of Osteoporosis
Although high caffeine intake has been suggested to be a risk factor for reduced bone mineral density (BMD), research indicates that drinking tea does not negatively affect BMD, and while it may be too soon to state de nitively,  ndings suggest that tea may even play a role in bone health.
V. List of Resources to Call Upon
A. The Tea Association of the U.S.A.
362 5th Avenue, Suite 801 New York, NY 10001
Tel: (212) 986-9415
Fax: (212) 697-8658
Email Address:
B. National Restaurant Association
175 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60604-2814
Tel: (312) 715-5388
Fax: (312) 566-9729
Email Address:
C. Local Restaurant Association
D. Your Local Tea Supplier
VI. Background Information
A. History and Tradition
Far more than just a beverage, tea has a rich and important history that goes back nearly 5,000 years, and can be credited with everything from opening trade from the East to the West, to providing the catalyst for the American Revolutionary War.

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