Page 5 - Preparation of Tea Brochure
P. 5

b) Water Conditioning Equipment
• Water softening equipment to reduce or eliminate water hardness caused by excessive mineral content
• Proper maintenance and cartridge replacement or recharging of this equipment according to manufacturer’s recommendation to ensure optimal performance
c) Hard Water
• In extreme hard water areas, use a preventive maintenance service arrangement
B. Tea Brewing Recommendations
1. Iced Tea
a) Automatic Ice Tea Brewing Equipment (3-5 gallon brewing system)
1. Place tea pouch pack into brewing basket. For loose tea, place new  lter and tea into brewing basket.
2. Place a clean, sanitized urn with cover in position.
3. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, start brewing cycle. Brew water should
be at least 195°F with a brew basket retention time of not less than one minute. For optimal quality, a total brew cycle of between 3-5 minutes is recommended. Brewing equipment must be checked periodically to assure that this temperature is being achieved.
4. When brewing is  nished, stir contents of dispensing urn with a sanitized stirrer if brewing equipment is not equipped with an auto-blend feature and put cover in position.
b) Automatic Coffee Machine Method/Pourover system (for each gallon of iced tea)
1. Place one 1oz. tea pouch pack into  lter basket.*
2. Slide  lter basket under brewing head.
3. Place sanitized pot under brew basket and start brew cycle. Brew water should be
at least 195°F with a brew basket retention time of not less than one minute. For optimal quality, a total brew cycle of between 3-5 minutes is recommended. Brewing equipment must be checked periodically to assure that this temperature is being achieved.
4. Pour concentrate into a clean, sanitized urn, add fresh, cold tap water to equal one gallon.
* NOTE: For the highest quality iced tea, use a dedicated brew basket and tea decanter for tea use only.
c) Traditional Steeping Method (each one ounce bag makes one gallon of iced tea)
1. Place tea into a clean, sanitized container for each gallon of iced tea desired. 2. Preferably, pour one quart of boiling water for each tea bag used and steep for
3-5 minutes. Minimally, tea leaves should be exposed to water at a temperature
of 195°F for approximately 5 minutes.
3. Carefully remove tea bag and add fresh, cold tap water to yield  nal quantity of
iced tea.
d) For commercial purposes, “sun” tea is not an acceptable practice for steeping tea.

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